Duties of Head Coaches & Team Managers
Head Coaches shall:
- Serve on the general board of directors and attend meetings
- Coordinate team business as required by the organization
- Appoint assistant coaches and team manager
- Keep current with rules of competition and abide by all rules
- Conduct try-outs to identify and select participants with potential for success in competition
- Conduct training and practices to develop the skills necessary for competition at a national or international level
- Lead the team in competition
- Always maintain order on the playing field during practices and games including control of parents and spectators
- Determine team discipline policy with authority to suspend or expel participants, parents and spectators
- Participate in other business of the organization as requested or directed
Team Managers shall:
- Maintain accounting ledger for team account
- Keep receipts, purchasing records, and invoices for expenditures and income for the team account and sign checks
- Maintain copies of birth certificates and emergency medical release information for all participants
- Maintain official team rosters and proof of insurance
- Assist head coach as requested and organize schedule tournament play and make travel arrangements
- Participate in other business of the organization as requested or directed
Coaches’ Code of Ethics
- I accept the responsibility of coaching a team for the Lady Patriots Organization and I acknowledge that this responsibility extends to each player, the team as a whole, the players’ parents and to the sport of youth softball and will follow this Coaches’ Code of Ethics Pledge.
- I will remember that a softball game is just that—a game.
- I will put the well-being and interests of the players above any and all other interests on and off the field to include social media channels.
- I will emphasize good sportsmanship, fair play, and positive values at all times on and off the field to include social media channels.
- I will strive to achieve parity and fairness through the team management process.
- I will respect the integrity and judgment of the umpires and other officials, accepting their decisions with grace on and off the field to include social media channels.
- I will demonstrate a friendly and courteous attitude toward other coaches, parents and players at all times on and off the field to include social media channels.
- I will promote the confidence and self-esteem of all players, whether my team or another, by recognizing their efforts and achievements with praise, positive comments, and encouragement on and off the field to include social media channels.
- I will NOT criticize or belittle a player at any time, and shall never yell in anger at players, coaches, parents or the umpire on and off the field to include social media channels.
- I understand I may be suspended or removed from the Lady Patriots Organization if I am found in violation of these codes. My reading of these coaches’ code of ethics is my understanding and my acceptance of the above rules of conduct as a manager/coach of the Lady Patriots Organization.
Players Code of Ethics
- I agree to adhere to the rules, policies, and expectations of the Lady Patriots Softball Organization.
- I understand that travel softball is a highly competitive sport and there are no guarantees as to the amount of playing time or position that I will play during games.
- I agree to listen and follow the proper instructions of the team coaching staff at ALL TIMES.
- I am aware that the team has limited membership, and that each player’s participation (including my own) is crucial in maintaining the high standards of play we are striving to attain.
- I understand my attendance at all games practices, team meetings, scrimmages and official games is important to the Team’s success.
- I agree to display good sportsmanship, positive behavior, cheer on my teammates, take pride in personal and team accomplishments and accept winning or defeat with dignity at all times.
Social Media Behavior
Don’t post negative comments about the organization, teams, umpires, or other LP teams. Just like we tell our athletes please be mindful of what you put out there.
If an issue does occur with another Lady Patriots team and you want to report the issue, please alert our board of directors immediately. Please refrain from posting those issues online, issues are to be worked out internally, not in public.
Report through the proper channels and the organization will handle it accordingly.